July 2003
Int'l Convention Report



Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Yukon Territory




Hello All,

Well as usual the International Convention is a fun and educational time for all who attend.  This year we had the convention in Las Vegas, NV… the casino was crowded and smoky most of the time and the machines ate most of the dollars I took down, but I didn’t come home broke.  On to my report! 


The opening session went well on Wednesday with Marie Weller our International President talked about The Vision of PWP Beyond Fifty, it was an inspiring speech and something we all must start to visualize to keep our organization alive and well.  Parents Without Partners will be celebrating its 50 anniversary in 2007, we need to grow our organization and look for new ways to increase our membership to stay alive.  At the town hall meeting there were discussions on a $3.00 increase in dues for insurance and International membership fees, which by the way passed at the Annual meeting.  All 13 Bylaws passed; please let me know if you would like a copy I will have them available at the next ZBOD meeting. 


At the Awards Breakfast on Thursday, our Zone received several awards for FITAP and the Newsletter entries, thank you to all who participated in the awards process and a big thanks to Judi and Lois for judging the entries and getting them to the appropriate person for judging at the International Level. 


Friday was the annual meeting, election results:

Administrative VP - Bob Tousey - bobtousey@aol.com

Treasurer - Bob Leierzapf - Zapper8@aol.com

Family and Youth VP - Mary Anne Britton - maryannebritton@provide.net

Programs and Education VP - Lew Browder -  lewbrowder@austintx.net (re-elected)

Please update your International Officer info for your newsletters with the new names. 

The grassroots topics discussed this year- #1 and 3 defeated.  Number 3 was to reduce the number of Zones, so no realigning the Zones at this time. #2 carried and rewritten, it reduces the number of members required to start a chapter. And finally, we started out with 4 new business topics and increased to 10 before the meeting was over.  A brief summary of the new business items; 4 were defeated; 1 item was postpone indefinitely with the 10th new business called out of order when they tried to reword the same request. 3 were referred to committees and one carried.  Zone D did a skit to promote the 2004 International Convention that will be held in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky.  Next year we need to promote the 2005 International Convention in Kentucky that will be held in Portland, OR. 


You will be reading reports from all who attended the convention, please take a look at the first timer reports from Sue and Lois to find out how they liked the convention.  It is an uplifting experience to go to an International Convention, you meet lots of people nationwide and internationally.  There were 4 Australians and we learned how their PWP organization works down under, they also invited any of us to attend their convention at Easter time.  


Ann Sigler                            

Zone G President     

                                        If you want something out of your day, put something into it.




Ann Sigler



Administrative VP

Lois Adams




Sue Williams




Gerry Nickolson














Membership VP

Patti Wilks



Family & Education

Programming VP

Dennis Brown



Community & Public

Relations VP

Judi Christensen



Regional Administrator #77

Job Opportunity! 


Regional Administrator #91

Becky Reaves



Regional Administrator #98

Lisa S. Wood















What an adventure I had at the International Convention!  This is indeed “Where new friendships begin”.  So many people! 


My trip started on Tuesday morning with a delay as I checked my bags.  Seems they put my name on Patti’s luggage.  I’m not real sure why that was a problem, but they held me there while they figured out what to do about it.  We finally got to Las Vegas after a short layover in Salt Lake.  The temperature was around 109.  After we got to the hotel and checked in I went and registered so I would know what was going on.  I caught the last few minutes of the Int’l BOD meeting.  That evening Zone G and Zone J (the eastern Canadian Zone) hosted the hospitality room from 9PM – Midnight. It was a very tiring day.  My very first impression was that the people were not as old as I had expected.  We have all heard about the problems of the members getting older.  I have to say I saw quite a few younger members there.  The children’s program boasted 24 children this year. 


The next day started pretty early with a 1st Timer’s meeting given by Marie Weller at 7:45.  Then it was on to the Parade of Flags which was astounding.  There were flags all the way around the room from everywhere.  Next up was the Opening Session with Candidate Speeches.   Then I was the facilitator for a seminar on “Personal Wellness”.  This is all before lunch.  After lunch we went to the Caucus.  This is where each candidate comes to talk to each Zone individually.  They had 1 minute to speak and 2 minutes for questions.  They had to convince us to vote for them in a very short period of time.  After that we had a discussion group while the other ½ the Zones had their caucus.  After dinner we had 2 Grassroots discussions.  I went to “All new members joining a board MUST attend training held early in the year”.  This topic was voted down.  Most people in the discussion felt we could not FORCE people to go to training.  I agree with this group that you cannot MAKE people go.  I also agree with them that it would sure be nice if they DID go.


After this was over we hopped a city bus and headed for the Fremont Street Experience.  An experience is a good name for it.  Some were thinking it was too early for this excursion, but we figured we could eat dinner and be on the street by dark.  Within ½ mile of the hotel, the bus got in an auto accident.  We waited for ½ hr for the police and the next bus to arrive.  Thus, we got to Fremont Street just in time to see the laser show.  I would suggest to anyone going to Vegas that they go to Fremont Street.  There really are no words to convey what that is like.  On the way back to the hotel we caught an express bus which did not stop where we needed to get off.  We went on down the strip a ways until the bus finally stopped and we had to walk back a block or so.  We were just in time to catch the hotel shuttle back. 


Thursday started with the Awards Breakfast.  Zone G did OK.  I’d sure like to see more.  After breakfast were more seminars.  I went to “Single Parent Travel” given by Brenda Elwell, author of “The Single Parent Travel Handbook”.  She had some very good ideas for those traveling with children.  If you buy her book online, and mention PWP, she will donate $3 to Int’l.  After lunch we voted, and then there were 3 more sets of seminars.  


The Annual Meeting was the main thing that happened on Friday.  We had an indoor picnic for lunch that day.   We had some free time then so headed to the strip.   It takes forever to get anywhere.  Vegas is definitely an amazing place.  There were many sights to see and not enough time to see them.  I believe I walked my feet off that day. We eventually found our way back to the hotel around midnight.  Saturday was full of seminars.  There were 11 available to attend.  I facilitated “Awards & Scholarship Program”, “‘Community Relations”, “Team Players and Others”, and “‘F.I.T.A.P.” All of these were well worth my time.  I think I learned quite a bit about these topics.   That evening was the President’s Banquet with the Installation of Officers followed by the President’s Ball.    Later Sue and I got “Turtled” while Ann and Becky watched. It was quite fun, but didn’t get over until about 2AM. 


That was pretty much the end of my stay as I had to catch the shuttle to the airport at 9AM Sunday morning.  We couldn’t stay for the closing session and the Int’l BOD meeting.  I was exhausted. I’m not sure I could have done another day.  I worked hard and played hard.  We were up at the crack of dawn everyday so we could get breakfast before things started and stayed up until at least midnight almost every night either working or playing.  I met a bunch of very friendly folks.  I got to know the Zone J people quite well as we were in the hospitality room together and at the Banquet together.  I would suggest to everyone that, if you get a chance you should go to an International Convention.  It was a great experience.  We would like to send as many people as possible next year so we can see better how to run one.  It will be here in Portland in 2005 and we really want to do a good job. 


Thanks for letting me be your delegate!


Lois Adams

Zone G Administrative VP

I attended the International Convention for Parents Without Partners for the first time.  It was in the very exciting city of Las Vegas during the first week of July.  I arrived 2 days early to take advantage of the pre-convention tours.  At that point, no one from our Zone G had arrived yet, so I was on my own.  However, that feeling did not last for long.  I met members from Maryland and South Carolina as soon as I was on the bus and felt part of the family right away.  I went to the Grand Canyon the first day, and to Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam the second day.  Both tours were open to our children and we all had a really great time visiting these fantastic places and getting to know each other.


Zone G and J were hosting the Hospitality room the evening before the Convention opened and it was fun to greet members as they arrived.  I also had a chance to meet members from Zone J which is the only all Canadian Zone.  They gave me some great ideas for fundraising. 


I started out the first morning of convention very early by attending the first timers meeting.  There were 60 first timers attending this convention. We received a warm welcome from our President Marie Weller.  She also gave us lots of tips on how to get the most out of our experience at Convention. 


The convention started the morning of July 2 with our Parade of Flags.  I was very proud to carry the banner of my chapter #722 Coquitlam and so impressed to see the very large room fill right up with banners from many Chapters and Zones from so many different parts of the United States, Canada, and Australia.  Also the National flags of Canada, the United States, and Australia were presented and we sang the National Anthems as well.


For the next 3 days I attended a variety of workshops.  I was interested in the Grassroots process so I joined in on those.  There was a very lively discussion on Zone Realignment which was turned down by the delegates. I also attended Grassroots Topic #2 which was on mandatory training for new members.  This was also turned down.  I participated in sessions on Recruiting New & Younger Members, Legal Considerations, a Programs and Education Workshop, Regional Networking, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, and Moderator Training. It was great to experience the enthusiasm of some of the Zones at the Awards Breakfast and it was a pleasure to see my own home chapter win quite a number of FITAP awards.  I also attended our Annual General Meeting and the Town Meeting where many concerns and ideas were brought before the delegates.   There was caucus to attend, and I did participate in our elections process. 


The President’s Banquet was an elegant affair, and we received a very inspirational speech from President Marie Weller.  The installation of the International board of Directors took place at the banquet. We had a dance following.  On Sunday morning I joined in on our Remembrance Service for members who have passed on in the last year.  


 There was a closing session following which was time to say goodbye until next year to lots of new friends.  There were lots of laughs with a “talent show”.  I attended the new International Board of Directors meeting until it was time to leave for my journey home.


I also found a few hours here and there to visit the Las Vegas strip, and indulge in some slot machines, 99 cent margaritas, and see a show.  Las Vegas is quite the place. It was about 110 degrees every day. 


Well, I hope you got the impression that this was a very busy week because it certainly was.  I don’t think I could pack any more into a day, but it was such a positive experience for me.   If I could describe convention in a word, it would be synergy.  I looked up the definition:  when the sum of two or more substances working together, is greater, or more beneficial, than if each of those substances were working separately.  When this group got together for discussions or to examine an issue, synergy is what happened.  It was amazing to be part of; I realized we have everything we need to make Parents Without Partners grow into the future. I will attend International Convention in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky next year and I look forward to Zone G hosting International Convention in 2005!


Sue Williams

Zone G Secretary


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

- Eleanor Roosevelt


This year's convention was a wonderful experience.  We were very busy, but also managed some play time.  Las Vegas is definitely a big playground.


The convention started on Wednesday, July 2.  I attended the grass roots discussion on reducing the number of zones.  It was very clear that the membership does not want fewer zones--mostly because of the difficulty in servicing such a large geographical area with less money.  Reorganizing may be necessary, but the grassroots topic called for an absolute minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 zones.  The group did not feel this restriction was in the best interest of Parents Without Partners.


I attended a workshop on attracting new and younger members.  It was a pretty lively discussion and several good ideas.  Lew Browder, International Programs & Education VP, sent out the main points, but I was not able to open the file.  If anyone is interested, let me know and I will forward the file when I get one in a .doc form.


Of special interest to me was the meeting and subsequent workshop we had with International VP of Membership, Kathy Soucy.  We discussed the new Member at Large program which is how people who do not live in an area that has a PWP chapter can join and have access to the website, library and other rights of membership.  So far we have 6 in our zone who are members at large.  We also discussed the process for helping new areas to start chapters of their own.


The annual meeting is always interesting--lots of spirited discussion and opinions are shared and motions are voted on.  It is a great experience to be part of the decision making for our organization.


On Saturday, I volunteered to help with the Children's Program.  There were 24 young people attending this year from the ages of 6 to 16.  It was fun to get to know them and help the leaders.   They did an excellent job of keeping them busy and doing interesting fun things.   We will have to plan a similar program when we host the convention in 2005.  There are so many fun things to do in our area that I know it will be well worth attending.  Hopefully, we can have as many or more enrolled when it's our turn.


My general feeling was very positive this year.  There was a constant feeling of good will and camaraderie that is hard to explain.  I am looking forward to attending in Kentucky next year and encourage any of you to go with us.  We want to have a good showing since we will be promoting the convention in Portland the next year.  Please consider it and start planning now.


Patti Wilks

Zone G Membership VP   



You’ll read in other reports about the day to day activities of the International convention. Here are some convention “highlights”.  


One of the best things about an International Convention is talking with PWP members from all over the USA, Canada and even Australia!  On the day before the convention started I taught the Leadership Training II class with help from Mary Anne Britton. This was a great opportunity to meet and share with some of the members, get to know them better, and hear about what is happening in their chapters.


There were several members from New York, members from Florida, South Carolina, Connecticut, Vermont and Australia. They were from very large chapters and from very small chapters – with just about every size in between. I found myself listening to them talk before I knew where they were from and trying to identify their home region by their accent. (As an Oregonian I don’t think I have an accent but they assured me that I do!)


The gal from Vermont doesn’t even have a chapter in her state! She travels 150 miles to another state to attend meetings – and she has not missed a meeting since joining! The member from Australia was a “first timer” and was very much interested in how we do things. (Australia is an affiliate of PWP, Inc. They have their own bylaws, policies and governing body. They do participate in the FITAP with us.) One chapter only charges the International dues with all the money going to International. They rely on fundraisers to operate their chapter. While all chapters are governed by the same bylaws and policies, each chapter has its own “flavor” and uniqueness. And this is certainly apparent at a convention. A convention allows you to see the “big picture” of PWP and really brings home the fact that we are not alone. As members and chapters we have bad days, good days, problems and victories. By coming together once a year we can help and learn from each other.


Elsewhere in this newsletter are some excerpts from International President, Marie Weller’s address to the delegates. Here is the list of things she mentioned as possibilities for the future.


Pre-membership Programs:

In some of these concepts we could use outreach and community involvement.

Post Membership Programs:


Parents in unique situations:


Marie says, “Within our present set up I would consider our members the elite single parents. The ones who have the base of single parenting for 24 hours in every day for seven days a week. We have the experience, the knowledge and we know the trials of this kind of parenting better than anyone else. We have so much to offer to so many others that at the present time we are not reaching.”


Every year there is a convention Community Outreach project. This year $4,000 in donations was collected for Opportunity Village, a not-for-profit agency that serves people with mental retardation. Linda Smith from Opportunity Village spoke at the Opening Session of the convention. Her son, Christopher, was born with Down Syndrome. Linda was told to put Christopher in an institution.  Instead Linda decided to see what was available so her son could have some quality of life.  Finding that there was nothing was the beginning of Opportunity Village. Now, over 30 years later, Christopher works at Opportunity Village where his favorite job is shredding paper. (Every payday Christopher has to be stopped from shredding his paycheck!)


You might be asking why PWP members and Chapters would donate so much money to the community when PWP needs money for its own purposes.  PWP isn’t just a family organization. And it isn’t just an education organization – or just any of the other things we so commonly call it. It is also a service organization. We give to the community. We aren’t just party people or pitiful widowers – or just any of those other names some like to call us.  We are single parents who can make a big impact in our community – every community!  The $4,000 “bought” us more than we could ever pay in good community and public relations.


The Awards won in our Zone are listed on the “Convention at a Glance” page. But there were many, many more awards won by others. There was a Single Parent of the Year Award, Youth of the Year Award, Distinguished Service to PWP Children Award, Programming Awards, Community and Public Relation Awards these are just some of the awards that we (you!) can submit entries for and be a winner too!  Next year? We can do it! My CONGRATULATIONS to our AWARD WINNERS!   


THANKS! I had a great time being your delegate!


Judi Christensen

Zone G Community & Public Relations VP


It is better to aim for the stars and drag your feet in the trees, then aim for the trees and drag your feet in the mud.

Zone G

Family Campout

Friday, August 29 - Monday, September 1, 2003 Beverly Beach on the beautiful Oregon Coast

US 101, 7 miles North of Newport, OR

Hosted by City of Roses Chapter #611

Parents Without Partners


Cost - $30 per family - for space only. Pack up your camping gear and food, (bring your bikes for the great bike riding) and spend a FUN weekend with FAMILY and FRIENDS - enjoy the FELLOWSHIP of other PWP members and see the FABULOUS attractions located just minutes away.

Potluck dinner on Saturday Night – bring something to share.

Please RSVP!

Contact Kelly Garey @ 503.761.4729 or @   kgarey@ncnm.edu

If you can only stay for one night, cost is $15 per family. Or join us for a day!


Beverly Beach’s well-known walkway goes under the highway and emerges to the long expanse of sandy beach extending from Yaquina Head (you can see the lighthouse from here) to the headlands of Otter Rock. When the weather cooperates, kites color the air and whip in the wind. Bring a bucket and build a sand castle! Surfers often head to the north beach, while folks looking for fossils head south. A few steps from the ocean you'll find the forest-shelter campground with the campsites strung along pebbly Spencer Creek. There is a Visitors Information Center located near the registration booth.  The children’s playground is located next to the program area. All of this is just a few minutes drive from the Oregon Coast Aquarium, Yaquina Head and other prime attractions.



Check it out at www.oregonstateparks.org/park_227.php









Bob Tousey – Administrative VP

Bob Leierzapf – Treasurer

Mary Ann Britton – Family & Youth VP

Lew Browder – Programs & Education VP



All 13 Bylaw Amendments voted on by the

general membership in the spring carried.



Topic #2 carried (see Annual Meeting).

Topics #1 & #3 were defeated.



Opportunity Village in Las Vegas was the community charity for the convention. Over

$4,000 was donated by PWP members and

chapters during the convention.



1. Proposal to expand membership throughout the

Organization: To revise the minimum requirement

for opening a chapter to 10 people. CARRIED

(Grassroots topic #2)


2. To allow IBOD to increase the membership dues

by three dollars ($3.00) effective October 1, 2003.

CARRIED (from Town Meeting)


3. There shall be a minimum of two Regional Council Delegate Meetings per administrative year at location(s) to be determined by the RCBOD. REFERRED TO BYLAW AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE (BARC)


4. To amend Regional Council Section of the Bylaws, Article 4, D.1 by increasing dues from a maximum allowable to $3.00. REFERRED TO BARC


5. To allow a Scholarship Award for a newly single parent. REFERRED TO AWARDS COMMITTEE


6. Abolish all Zones and reconfigure the organization creating 5 or 6 areas based on membership and to help utilize the leadership and finances better. REFERRED TO BARC



7. Make sure all International Convention meeting sites are smoke free at future conventions and handicap accessible. REFERRED TO CONVENTION COMMITTEE



Tacoma #207- Honorable Mention – Class B

City Of Roses #611- Honorable Mention – Class C

Everett #758 - 4th place – Class B

Eastside #55 - 3rd place – Class D  



Tacoma #207 – 2.8% growth



Amanda McFadden, daughter of Jami McLemore,

member of City of Roses #611.



There were 590 FITAP entries. 181 FITAP entries were from Australia. Zone G had 31 entries.


Drawing. #722.Carmel Hillier.1st

                #611.Shawn Garey.2nd

Painting. #722.Adam Chislett.2nd

               #722.*Monica Hillier.3rd

               #722.*Dayna Furst.2nd

Fabric Painting.#722.Carmel Hillier.3rd

Ceramic Decoration.#611.Rachael Doss.4th

                                 #611.Emily Leed.4th

                                 #611.Matt Urban.1st

Assembly.#722.Carmel Hillier.3rd

                 #722.Alexandra Cadman.1st

                 #722.*Donna Hartson.2nd


Flat Surface. #722.Carmel Hillier.2nd


B/W w/o people/animals. #722.*Monica Hillier.1st

Color w/people/animals.#722.Carmen Hillier.3rd


Established music.#722.Carmen Hillier.1st

Physical Performance.#722.Carmen Hillier.1st

Crafts.#722.Carmel Hillier.3rd

Creative Original.#722.*Linda McMath.3rd

Craft Kits.#722.Scott Chislett.1st

Needlepoint.#722.*Monica Hillier.3rd


Fiction.#722.Carmen Hillier.1st

Poetry.#722.Carmen Hillier.3rd

*Adult members, all other entries are from children.


Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, whose humanitarian efforts center largely on children, founded Children in Crisis, an organization that provides help to forgotten children in 8 countries.



January 2000 – 35,675 members

January 2001 – 30,661 members

January 2002 – 26,652 members

January 2003 – 24,737 members

May 2003 – 23,772 members



$9.70 – processing

$7.30 – Insurance

($3.94 – being collected from chapters)

$3.36 funded insurance by International

There has not been a dues increase since 1996.



Following are excerpts from International President, Marie Weller’s address to the delegate body at the Opening Ceremony.


Today we live in a world that is complex, often confusing and changing constantly. Vision becomes a critical element if our organization is to survive and prosper. It is time to take steps to improve the effectiveness of our organization through compelling vision. Vision is needed to renew and redirect Parents Without Partners into a viable future. To acquire vision as an individual or as a group we must have already accumulated a great deal of knowledge and understanding about our issues, our organizational context and have also done some thinking about possible future directions. I believe that this needs to start here with the delegate body and leaders of our organization. Vision comes from leadership and from those who aspire to be leaders within our organization.


Parents Without Partners needs some identifiable boundaries within which it is free to operate, some resources at its disposal and members whose efforts we are expected to lead. Do we, as an organization have these parameters? Yes. We can virtually do anything we need to do within the concept of our constitution.




Read it again, it is a far reaching document, with many concepts that we at present do not always get to address as an organization.


We have vast resources within our own organization. Many just waiting to be asked to contribute. We do have members that look to those in positions of leadership for direction. What more do we need? We need a vision! A dream for our future, planted by a seed, that can grow and multiply if we only try.


The time comes when an organization needs to consider redirection and transformation that leads to fundamental change. The seed begins within the parameters of our present constitution and builds upon our past and present dream. Our focus now becomes finding the right dream. We need to attract commitment and energize the organization. Our  dream should actually create meaning in the lives of our membership and leaders. It should include such basic elements as self-pride, dedication and action. We need to establish a standard of excellence within Parents Without Partners that can allow each of us to feel effective, to be recognized and to have worth. Our dream needs the power to bridge the past and present with the future, reaching beyond the status quo and linking our present needs. Lastly, a dream should empower those working in the organization to take action to advance the vision. Vision is not a luxury but a necessity for Parents Without Partners.


What we have become is an organization that continues to strive to maintain the original dream. What we need is some organizational learning and development that will bring change, renewal and growth. We need to expand our horizons and do this in such a way that our present members feel neither threatened nor abandoned in any way. We must retain the original dream for them but use the seed of that dream to build a continued future.


We need to take charge, dream dreams and build a unique future. Vision is possible, vision is needed, vision is necessary. I cannot tell you what the vision will be – for it is yours – and must come from you. Let’s begin to lay a foundation for a great leap forward for our organization.


(Copies of the complete 5 page text will be available at the September ACT II.)





Marie Weller



Administrative VP

Bob Tousey




Sue Rosenberg




Bob Leierzapf






Parents Without Partners provides single parents and their children with an opportunity for enhancing personal growth, self-confidence, and sensitivity towards others by offering an environment for support, friendship, and the exchange of parenting techniques.




Membership VP

Kathie Soucy



Family & Youth VP

Mary Anne Britton



Community Relations VP

Barbara Spade



Programs & Education VP

Lew Browder




























SEPTEMBER 20, 2003


10am – 3pm

Zone Board Meeting @ 3pm


Doubletree Jantzen Beach Hotel

909 North Hayden Drive, Portland, OR 97217


Timberline Room (lower level of hotel)


Going North or South on I-5, take

Exit 308

The hotel is located next to the Columbia River, near the Interstate Bridge.


Member Housing Provided


Guest Rooms are available

Room rate: $84 per night

Contact Kelly directly @ 503.978.4587

Or Kelly_Nestlen@Hilton.com


COST: $10 per person for the first five (5) members from your chapter (excluding Zone Officers & Region Administrators).The rest are free! Cost includes lunch.




       8-10 – ZBOD Strategic Planning

                     Portland, OR


          15 – Newsletter Deadline


          30 – 5th Saturday Family Camp Out

                    Hosted by City of Roses #611

                   Beverly Beach State Park, OR




          20 – ACT II & ZBOD Meeting,

                    Portland, OR



                            Celebrate the Harvest!



                              AWARDS PROGRAM

          15 – ZBOD Meeting, Everett, WA

                      Happy Turkey Day!



                Merry Holidays!





If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and every day you have the opportunity to write a new page.

- Mark Houlahan



¨       ZONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS are held at least three times a year. Each Chapter is required to designate a Chapter Representative to attend. The Chapter Representative does not need to be a Chapter board member. (NOTE: If you have a Zone Officer/Regional Administrator in your chapter, they are NOT your Chapter Representative.)


¨       ALL CHAPTER TRAINING (ACT) is held semi-annually. It is provided by the Zone Board to inform, train, encourage, and assist Chapter leaders and members. All members are invited to attend. ACT is a wonderful opportunity to meet members from other Chapters, share information and ideas, get updates, and enjoy fun and fellowship. Member housing is provided for people traveling a distance.


¨      Zone G Mission Statement:

Parents Without Partners, Zone G, Inc. provides support and encouragement to our chapters through networking opportunities and training. In addition, through establishment of chapters in all areas of Zone G, we become a community resource for all single parents






Eastside Chapter #55

PO Box 1661

Bellevue, WA 98009



Anchorage Chapter #187

PO Box 231086

Anchorage, AK 99523-1086



Tacoma Chapter #207

PO Box 11381

Tacoma, WA 98411-0381



Sno-King Chapter #272

PO Box 5670

Lynnwood, WA 98046-5670



City of Roses Chapter #611

PO Box 16204


Coquitlam Chapter #722

Como Lake

PO Box 64552

Coquitlam, BC

V3J 7V7 Canada



Everett Chapter # 758

PO Box 2474

Everett, WA 98203-4312



ARK Chapter # 897

PO Box 1690

Kent, WA 98053-1690



Emerald Empire #1102

PO Box 11469

Eugene, OR 97440


Portland, OR 97292



Preamble to the Constitution

As Conscientious Single Parents, it is our primary endeavor to bring our children to healthy maturity, with the full sense of being loved and accepted as persons, and with the same prospects for adulthood as children who mature with their two parents together.


Adults and Children in single parent families face unique and challenging circumstances. For children to mature and flourish in the absences of either parent requires an added measure of love, understanding and sound guidance. To provide these is a responsibility inherent in parenthood, regardless of marital status.


The Challenge of Providing for both ourselves and our children a nurturing family life is often complicated by established patterns of community life. Consequently, a need for community resources to assist single parents in communicating and meeting their special circumstances exists.


Therefore, in the Conviction that we can achieve this end through working together, through the exchange of ideas, and through the mutual understanding, help and companionship which we find with one another, we have established "Parents Without Partners, Inc.", to further our common welfare and well-being of our children.




This newsletter is a private publication of Parents Without Partners, Zone G, Inc. and is intended solely for PWP members only. Any reproduction or other use of this newsletter or its contents without the express written consent of Parents Without Partners, Zone G, Inc. is prohibited.



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